Sadly, we may not have this incarnation of this blog for a whole lot longer. This is the 'eve of moving' for my wife and I, which means the rice paddy we've all grown to love and look at from all sorts of angles at all hours of the day, will no longer be part of my daily trek to where ever it is I'm going. Couple that with the fact that at some point next week (depending on the rate of watermelon ripening), I'll be headed hundreds of miles away to toil in the watermelon fields. After that I'll be headed THOUSANDS of miles away to toil on the beaches of Cape Cod. So, the future is bleak, I'm afraid. BUT, don't lose total hope just yet. I'll be back here cleaning the apartment and tending to other local business for the next few days, and if I can find the will to put on something more than a ratty t-shirt and gym shorts (though it's really freakin hot here right now), I will head into work to access the Internet and thus post a few final updates.
There are rice fields aplenty near the new house, and I'm toying with the idea of adopting one of those for this blog, but I'm not too hot on that idea. I'll continue this blog in one form or another, but prepare yourselves to bid this lovely little rice paddy a fond farewell.
If you've been following this blog, thanks!! Hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. Stay tuned. (I'm open to suggestions for the next subject, by the way)
has it been a year already? time is different in japan.
har har har...yes actually it has...you must be going crazy
i'm sad that the rice blog is over.
will you post some pics of the rice being cut down?
next topic... hmm, how about something inoculous like a random street corner (ala "Smoke" (the movie)). ¿a corner that students pass every day? ¿the train station?
i almost want to say a community garden, but too similar to rice huh?
your own garden? or kitchen?
if i think of more, i'll be sure to let you know!
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